Control Updates

Maschine RMS / RFM

This unique service makes it possible to update the Roeders control cost-effec­tively to the newest version on all machines delivered since 1995.

As a result, the machining times are reduced considerably, together with a distinct impro­vement in accuracy and surface quality. In this way, even older machines are able to benefit from the conti­nuous and intensive advancement of the Roeders control systems.

This is another reason why the Roeders HSC machines have such a high intrinsic value.
Also for the automation from Roeders software updates are available, which mainly increase the functionality.

Due to the upgrading-ability of the Roeders RMS6 control many customers use their Roeders machines parti­cu­larly long. Therefore, Roeders holds spare parts on stock for up to 30 years.