Technical Reports

Röders GmbH RXP Machining Center

Tools and mechanics: Job shop
specia­lises in maximum precision
Company Rauch, 06/2024

Gerhard Rauch Ges.m.b.H. in Trasdorf (Austria) is a versatile manufac­turer of mecha­nical components and assem­blies for the highest demands. Its customers come from sectors such as mecha­nical engineering, precision engineering, aerospace or medical technology.

Download Job shop specia­lises in maximum precision 06–24

Roeders GmbH RCF150 Automation

Mould making: turbo-boosting full automation
Company SFS Group Austria, 04/2024

The globally active Swiss SFS Group supplies numerous indus­tries. For quality reasons, the company relies on its own mould­making shop for the production of injection moulds. Here, an integrated production line with milling and die-sinking EDM systems, parts cleaning and high-precision measu­rement was put into operation.

Download Turbo-boosting full automation 04–24

Oberflächenqualität - Surface quality

Surface quality:
gloss milling or polishing?
Workshop with companies MMC Hartmetall and Tebis Technische Infor­ma­ti­ons­systeme 04/2024

If the highest surface quality is required during milling, additional polishing is usually carried out after finishing. For typical tasks in mould making, the required time can range from a few hours to several days.

Download Surface quality 04–24

Röders GmbH Motiv Fachbericht Cimatron

High precision measu­re­ments from Cimatron creates a stronger process
Company Alpla Group 07/2023

Quality measu­rement in the machine?
At the Alpla Group in Hard, Austria, the production process was signi­fi­cantly shortened by moving the quality measu­rement from a separate measuring room to the RXP950DSH from Röders. Immediately after milling, the workpieces are measured on the machine. The measu­rement diffe­rences compared to a coordinate measuring machine are so marginal that measuring on a coordinate measuring machine could be eliminated.

Download High precision measu­re­ments from Cimatron creates a stronger process 07–23

Röders GmbH RXP601DSH bei Fa. Circle

Accuracy and best optics high on the agenda
Efficiency combined with ultra-precise machining

Company Circle 03/2023

What has proven itself in tool and mould making is also suitable for everyday use in general metal cutting. Especially when,
in addition to good cutting perfor­mance, high precision and excellent optical quality of the parts are required.

Download Efficiency combined with ultra-precise machining 03–2023

ShapeFab Fluiddemonstrator

Glass, silica glass, ceramics…
Ultra-precise machining of brittle-hard materials

Company ShapeFab 03/2023

When processing lenses or other struc­tures made of glass or ceramics for appli­ca­tions such as laboratory and medical technology, measuring devices or laser technology, the “classic” three-pronged technology chain of grinding, lapping and polishing using three different systems dominates.

Download Ultra-precise machining of brittle-hard materials 03–2023

Röders GmbH RXU2000 Halle

Extra large 2000 x 1800 mm with 5 µm stitching gauge: High-precision 3‑axis milling and jig grinding

In many indus­trial sectors two twinned trends can be observed: customers ask for components with larger dimen­sions while at the same time requiring enhanced accuracy and surface quality. This not only affects tool and mould making, but also other high-tech appli­cation areas such as mecha­nical engineering, the electronics and metrology sector, or medical technology.

Download High-precision 3‑axis milling and jig grinding 06–23

Röders GmbH Fertigungslinie Startbild Fachartikel

Hard machining above 58 HRC
replaces die sinking EDM
Tool making: efficient lubri­cation

optimizes tool life
Companies ZF and MHT 10/2022

The perfor­mance and efficiency of electric drives depend on the narrowest possible air gap between rotor and stator. The trend towards electrified power­trains thus furthers higher demands on the precision of the stamped parts required for this purpose.

Download Efficient lubri­cation optimizes tool life 10–2022

Röders GmbH Fachartikel Festool Kernkomponenten 0322

Milling, penetration EDM, measuring and washing
Mold making: automated cell integrates multiple techno­logies

Company Festool 03/2022

In mold and die making, a profound transition is taking place. The previously favored juxta­po­sition of individual machines requiring high labor intensity is gradually replaced by complex, fully automated cells with integrated handling combining different types of equipment.

Download automated cell integrates multiple techno­logies 03–2022

Röders GmbH Portraitfoto Anwenderstory Zeiss

ders GmbH uses the ZEISS XENOS high-end measuring device for maximum accuracy in mecha­nical engineering
From Users For Users: Ahead of everyone else with uncom­pro­mising precision
Company Carl Zeiss Indus­trielle Messtechnik GmbH 12/2021

In Soltau, Lower Saxony, highly precise milling and grinding machines are produced in the mecha­nical engineering department at Röders GmbH. The tolerances here are sometimes so small that customers were arguing about measured values again and again.

Download From Users For Users 12–2021

Röders GmbH Ultrapräzisionsbearbeitung Array Mikrolinse

Ultra­pre­cision machining of metals and plastics
Lenses, mirrors, semicon­ductor technology, lasers, proto­types …
Company son‑x, 12/2021

For many optical components, such as lenses or mirrors, the requi­re­ments for the accuracy of the contours and the quality of the surfaces are up to a power of ten more stringent than for other micro production processes. Fractions of a micro­meter or surface roughness values in the single-digit nanometer range are required.

Download Ultra­pre­cision Machining of Metals and Plastics 12–2021

Roeders Flexible Zahnradfertigung - Flexible Gearwheel Production

Short-term production of a finished gearwheel — Flexible gearwheel production with
high-precision 5‑axis machining centres

The manufacture of gearwheels for machine building appli­ca­tions usually involves machines especially designed for the purpose. Important techniques include gear hobbing, gear shaping, gear-generating planning, profile milling and profile broaching. Generally, specia­lized tools whose geometry is precisely adapted to the work-piece are required.

Download Flexible Gearwheel Production 06–2021

Fully automatic HSC hard machining
Automation in mould making: milling machine manufac­turer as develo­pment partner
Company Hella, 04/2019

Although complex injection moulding tools are often one-off pieces, syste­matic standar­dization of processes and automation of the machining steps in conjunction with the use of suitable machines enables benefits to be achieved relating to both quality and costs.

Download Fully automatic HSC hard machining — 203 kB

Milling machines for the high art of mould making What do precision milling centreshave to do with mascara appli­cators?
Company Zahor­ansky Automation & Molds, 08/2017

It is hard to find product categories with aesthetic requi­re­ments that exceed those of the healthcare & beauty sector. The requi­re­ments that such products have to meet encompass all relevant aspects, such as design, colour, surface quality or look and feel. It goes without saying that items produced by plastic injection moulding need moulds that fulfil compa­ra­tively stringent quality requirements.

Download Milling machines for the high art of mould making — 177 kB

Highly precise multi-purpose machine for the tool shopMa­chining center for heavy-duty service in milling and jig grinding
Company Feintool, 12/2015

Feintool is a specialist for fine stamping and forming of precision sheet metal parts for various indus­trial appli­ca­tions with a world-wide reputation. The top perfor­mances its customers require can only be achieved if the entire process chain from the press through to the tool, the consu­mables and the periphery is carefully designed and optimized from one source.

Download Highly precise multi-purpose machine for the tool shop — 209 kB