Typical Applications

Röders Maschinenbau BliskRöders Koordinatenschleifen Spritzgussform für HandylinsenRöders Maschinenbau HartmetallbearbeitungRöders Maschinenbau Mikroform UhrenarmbandRöders Maschinenbau Optische KomponentenRöders Maschinenbau DentaltechnikRöders Maschinenbau ProduktionRöders GmbH Gear Machining Grinding Header largeRöders Maschinenbau MünztechnikRöders Maschinenbau Schnittwerkzeug

Reliably precise on every workpiece

Here is just a short selection of typical appli­ca­tions.
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Röders GmbH Drosselklappengehaeuse Maschine RXP601DS Schunk-Zentrumspanner
Precision Parts Manufacturing

Consis­t­ently reliable precision makes it possible holding narrow tolerances in the production of parts, even when ambient tempe­ra­tures fluctuate

Röders GmbH Detail Schnittstempel Joghurtdeckel

Jig Grinding
With Jig Grinding a very high level of precision (< 1 µm) and surface qualities (Ra < 0.01 µm) are achieved on Röders HSC machines. Due to the high stiffness of the machines the combi­nation of High Speed Cutting and Jig Grinding in one machine is possible and results in large cost savings for many applications.

Röders GmbH Mikrofluidik ShapeFab
Machining of glass and ceramics

Röders experience in milling and grinding and the coope­ration with customers have lead to an excep­tional perfor­mance of the Röders machines for machining glass.

Röders Maschinenbau Blisk
Aeronautics and aerospace

BLISKS, BLINGS or Impeller require smooth surfaces without any steps from the machining process. Direct drives in all axes, 32 kHz drive technology and a special tempe­rature management in the Röders machines ensure highest dynamics and constant quality also over extended periods. The cost savings compared to standard machining centres may reach 20% and more.

Moulds for fuel cells

Highly precise contours with small inner radiuses and high surface qualities are required on moulds for fuel cells. Numerous customers appre­ciate especially the high long term precision of the machines from Röders for the machining opera­tions lasting many hours on one workpiece.

Carbide Machining

For machining carbide the long lasting experience of Röders in combining milling and grinding in one machine leads to a very high efficiency. High precision and stiffness of the machines allow extra­or­dinary machining results.

Röders GmbH Reflektor Opta Tec
Optical components

High-precision plastic injection moulds for optical components, e.g. light-emitting diodes, are a new focus in the wide spectrum of appli­ca­tions for Röders customers.

Röders Maschinenbau Mikroform Uhrenarmband
Mould and die making

Micro-mould production with struc­tures in the hundredth-milli­metre range, dies or moulds weighing several tonnes, electrodes etc.

Röders GmbH Gear Machining Grinding

Highly precise 5‑axis, if necessary automated production of different gears as single pieces or in small batches

Watch Machining with 90000 rpm
Watch Industry

Highest qualities at shortest machining times are achieved by high precision air bearing spindles in combi­nation with the direct drive technology of the linear motor machines.

All materials used in the dental industry can be machined fully automa­ti­cally and with high precision. 

Medizintechnik, Medical technology © Röders GmbH
Medical technology

Röders Maschinenbau Münztechnik
Minting technology

Coining dies are produced down to the last detail by milling, without any need for reworking.

Röders RXP601DSH Schleif­be­ar­beitung einer Ziehma­trize / Grinding of a Drawing Die / HSC Grinding
Grinding of a Draw Die

Offset-free five-axis simul­ta­neous machining of a draw die using coordinate chop grinding. The three areas plane, fillet (R 5 mm) and oval opening (46 × 40 mm) were ground in one path with a ceramic bonded CBN. The machining was carried out on a Röders RXP601DSH milling and coordinate grinding machine.


Through the develo­pment of special machines for greatest possible accele­ra­tions (up to 3g), extremely short machining times can be achieved with the same high quality.

Glass moulds in graphite

Due to the high precision of the Röders machines machining of mirror surfaces in graphite becomes possible, with Ra values < 0.1 µm.