
Röders GmbH Header PRECITEMP

Measuring in the machine

Röders GmbH PRECITEMP Grafik Messen in Maschine Graph Measuring in the machine

The reliable geometric stability of the RPT machines enables quality control of the machined workpieces directly in the machine. Röders offers proce­dures for geometric precision control of the machines, which check their measuring accuracy. In this way, the extra step of workpiece quality control in a separate measuring room can be saved for many appli­ca­tions. The measu­rement protocols and measu­rement strategies were developed together with well-known providers of measuring equipment.

Renishaw’s Produc­tivity+™ is a possible solution for operating the Röders machine for quality control, e.g. by measuring standard geome­tries like roundness, evenness, distance etc.

Alter­na­tively the software INSPECT from HEXAGON may be utilized.