Röders GmbH Header PRECITEMP

Röders Precision Technologies
PRECITEMP® — High precision also in case of temperature fluctuations

Röders Graphic PRECITEMP

Heat sources in the machine such as motors, main spindle, linear guideways (optional) and rotary axis bearings are also tempered with high precision.

Röders GmbH Graph PRECITEMP technology
How does the tempe­rature profile look like in your workshop during the course of the day?

The main reason for dimen­sional devia­tions on work-pieces are tempe­rature fluctua­tions in the machine or the environment. With PRECITEMP® I, II or III this is no longer a problem. Depending on the requi­re­ments, the machine can be confi­gured to the necessary level of precision by compre­hensive tempering and software compen­sation with the PRECITEMP® I, II or III modules if ambient tempe­ra­tures are not constant, as is often the case in workshops even if they are air-conditioned.

Röders GmbH PRECITEMP Graph temperature controlled rotary axis bearings
Tempering of the machine table
and the rotary axis bearings

For the first time on the 5‑axis RPT Machines, the rotary axis bearings and machine table can also be tempered. In addition, the torque motors in the rotary axes have Röders’ own greatly improved tempering. This signi­fi­cantly reduces dimen­sional devia­tions at higher speeds or high torque loads on the rotary axes.

Zahlreiche Wasserkreisläufe
Large number
of tempering circuits
  • Machines completely tempe­rature-stabi­lised, due to a large number of water circuits
  • For highest precision the guiding rails and carriages are optio­nally tempe­rature controled with a water circuit directly through the rails and carriages themselves

Exakte Temperierung
Exact tempe­rature stabilisation
  • Hyste­resis of the cooling water for tempe­rature control of the machine < +/-0.1 Kelvin
  • Optio­nally for special requi­re­ments +/- 0.02 Kelvin