Röders GmbH Header PRECITEMP

Röders Precision Technologies

Röders GmbH Graph PRECITEMP technology

The main reason for dimen­sional devia­tions on workpieces are tempe­rature fluctua­tions in the machine or the environment. With PRECITEMP® I, II or III this is no longer a problem. Depending on the requi­re­ments, the machine can be confi­gured to the necessary level of precision by compre­hensive tempering and software compen­sation with the PRECITEMP® I, II or III modules if ambient tempe­ra­tures are not constant, as is often the case in workshops even if they are air-conditioned.

Röders GmbH PRECITEMP Graph temperature controlled rotary axis bearings
Tempe­rature controlled
rotary axis bearings

For rotary axes with torque motors it is common to temper the motors with water. Röders goes one step further and optio­nally also tempers the bearings and the machine table in the rotary axes. Dimen­sional devia­tions at higher speeds are thus signi­fi­cantly reduced.
(Only available for RPT machines)

Zahlreiche Wasserkreisläufe
Large number
of tempering circuits
  • Machines completely tempe­rature-stabi­lised, due to a large number of water circuits
  • For highest precision the guiding rails and carriages are optio­nally tempe­rature controled with a water circuit directly through the rails and carriages themselves

Exakte Temperierung
Exact tempe­rature stabilisation
  • Hyste­resis of the cooling water for tempe­rature control of the machine < +/-0.1 Kelvin
  • Optio­nally for special requi­re­ments +/- 0.02 Kelvin