Precision Parts Manufacturing
With Röders machines, you reliably and permanently hold very small tolerances in the parts production. If necessary, you can combine milling and grinding in one set-up for optimal results. The PRECITEMP® technology developed by Röders over many years ensures a thermally robust machine structure, so that no thermal drifts occur even with fluctuating ambient temperatures and the machine zero points remain stable and unchanged. In this way, you create the conditions for a highly efficient automation with lowest staff requirements possible. Röders offers numerous handling devices and software solutions that have been proven for many years.
Throttle valve housing
Tolerances down to 0.01 mm, surface quality Ra 0.2 µm
Housing for a hydraulic pump
Tolerances of the “double holes” (position and roundness) < 1 µm
Implant machined from solid block
Neck plate for blow mould
produced in two set-ups, tolerances 0.01 mm
produced by milling and grinding in one set-up, tolerances smaller than 1 µm
Reading head holder for linear scale
machined in 2 set-ups, tolerances 0.01 mm
Housing of a jaw scanner
high surface quality for coating necessary
Optical mount for precision lenses
Series production, machined from the solid, roundness < 2 µm
Small batches and prototypes
Housing for electrical components
Printing head for high-performance printers, machined in graphite
Fully automated high-precision series production
completely machined
Design study
finish-machined in one set-up from 5 sides
Small batch – automotive
Gear knob and tank cap machined from the solid in 5 axes, to save the mould costs for small quantities
Small batch – bicycle parts
Machined from the solid in 5 axes